Monday, 21 February 2011

About my new paintings

'Wish You Were Here' is the title for my latest series of paintings, although the symbols I have used are familiar the angle and perspective has shifted slightly.
The previously distant shapes of sails as in 'Regatta' have come closer.
These paintings are about love, loss and contemplation using painting as my  narrative.
The surface is built up in layers as is the memory, this process I think comes from my origins in printmaking and the quality of the final surface is evidence of this.

I am still painting away for this next important show, I always get really excited about this one.

Affordable Art Fair
Battersea Park
Stark Gallery Stand
March 10th-13th
                           Regatta 100x80

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

See a new painting ...'Wish you were here'

I will be showing this new painting and some other things this weekend at this event.
Preview Evening February 11th 7-9pm

Monday, 7 February 2011


My very good and patient friend Tina has made it possible for you to purchase my cushions on my website.
I have two designs and I really like them.....take a look for yourself.

Thursday, 3 February 2011

The Sail

I came across a wonderful book of poetry recently called 'The Sail' it is a self published book.The poetry is written by Greg Allum and the enchanting illustrations are by Taxi Taxi.
I have had a real theme going on lately and sailing boats with full Sails are following me even into my dreams.
My latest paintings are an expression of this.
You can purchase a copy of this limited edition book at