It is now the strange month of Febuary....we are now in the thick of it with the sweet knowledge of spring being around the corner. I was showing at London Art Fair at the end of January with Jonathan Cooper and whilst visiting the fair I stumbled across this beautiful painting by Winifred Nicholson which has everything I needed at that moment and at every time I look at it. The warmth, the delicacy and the strength all at the same
Winifred Nicholson
I am in essence a printmaker that found painting so from time to time I hanker after print. Because of the the chemical process of etching I have not had my hands on a piece of copper for many years. That is until last week when some beautifully rocked mezzotint plates landed on my door mat. The steps are tentative because I have never used this method but I rummaged around for my etching burnisher and scraper looking for the light in the beautiful velvet black.I am going to submit the outcome to The Summer Exhibition so we shall see.There are new canvas's ordered a solo show in the pipe line so much work to do so I better get on with it!