Thursday, 20 August 2015

A little corner of West Wales.........

Have a look at and I defy you not to want to visit in one way or another, I have been looking at their instagram feed for quite a while. Instagram enables you to get the flavour of a person or place which is totally different to the Face Book kind of way. Images and very few words leave much more scope for your own mind to wander and get an idea of a persons vision, passion.....thats if their ego isn't getting in the way!
Not a bit of it here and I chose my camp as there are two and a place to lay my head and cook with my man and my dog and this was it, home for the week....

We were really lucky with the weather and we walked and walked....the coastal path is just spectacular and I have legs of steel and a free head. We all slept like logs, here is a little taster.........

Back to work now but with a little bit of West Wales securely fixed within my head which feels really good.........