Monday, 30 April 2012


This morning was bathed in blue sky and sunshine which was such a relief after the weekends deluge. I wanted to share another street find I had on a rainey morning last week again after my run and again in my street. It's a little bit strange but the picture is made up of old parcel stickers, I have even thought of dismantling it and using it in collage when decorating one of my old cases...not sure yet but It had to come home with me. It does make me wonder how it came to be.

Saturday, 28 April 2012

'What happens on grey days'

'Jug from Povence'
This week has had weather ranging from the spectacular to the truly yuk sending any hopes of warm sunshine to a distant dream like state. Being held up in the studio is not a real hardship, I was just really enjoying having the door open and the heater off. I have been painting very happily and new paintings are beginning to emerge. The lovely Catharine Miller is showing a select collection of paintings at 'Decorative Fair' Battersea Park this week and I am showing with ArtDog London at Affordable Art Fair Bristol in a couple of weeks so busy getting this together.

During one of these grey days I had an idea about showing in my blog objects in the house that I have either found or been given...not birthday or christmas presents but unwanted things that various people have given to me. Each of these things has a story to tell and this is really the nature of my work, images that have a strong narrative and connection.
First one is a painting that I found recently it is an old Windsor & Newton stretcher. It was propped up against a neighbours bin and I spotted it on the way back from a run. I have been really inspired this year by the work of 'Swarmhome' they make one off pieces made from thrift finds for Anthropologie amongst others and are based in Holland. This find is in time going to be made into a bag!

Monday, 16 April 2012

Blogging Along

This was the beach yesterday, there were white horses out there and the wind was very brusque indeed but it was good to be there.
On Saturday I went for a long,long walk and this tends to allow thoughts to move in and out freely and what came into my mind was my blog and how reluctant I was to start it but how much I enjoy writing it now.
I have always used words but they have been for my eyes only so I think the reluctance came from this being such a public space.
Social networking and telling the world that I blog has been amazing because I have got so much encouragement from out thank you everyone I am actually now enjoying myself.

Monday, 2 April 2012

Silence in Whitstable

West Beach. Whitstable
On Thursday.

I managed to get away to the seaside this weekend for the first time this year and it was so good to get a walk on that beach and breathe the sea air. Although a threat of some cold weather is afoot just that taste of the warm sun has really done the trick for me. It seems to reenergise the creative part of my brain. What I realised when I woke in the night on friday was how very quiet it was and that very realisation gave another bit of space in my head...just the silence itself. I think one becomes desensitised from the constant drone of sound there is in London I can hear it right now. I am going to try and get away to the quiet as much as I can this year with this awareness and see what happens!!