Wednesday, 23 November 2011


November is such a busy busy time, Open Studio stands in the two middle weeks and because the studio is at home now I invite people into my home. This in itself is an interesting experience that always brings surprises as I get to see old and new faces, catch up on news and meet some lovely people. I feel part of my community because it is so well supported by the neighbourhood. Thankyou to everybody who came, there were lots of you!!
On Tues this week paintings were picked up for one of my next shows, part of a mixed show 'Inside Life'
at Store Street Gallery in the heart of  Bloomsbury running from 29th November-15th January 2012. The private view is on Thursday 1st December 6.00-8.00.
Last but not least I have a selection of work showing with ArtDog at the Frameless Gallery Clerkenwell EC1 0PD 28th November-10th December. Private View Tuesday November 29th 6-9pm.
After all of that a bit of a rest I think.............

'Olives Lanturns' at Store Street Gallery

'Bedroom chair' Store Street Gallery

'Late Summer' Frameless Gallery

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

'It's That Time Of Year Again'

'It's That Time Of Year Again'
I am happy to say that Daisy and I are taking part in Lee Green Open again this year. For us it is a chance for us to get organised and you to see our work in the enviroment it was created, which after listening to our visitors comments gives some interesting insight.
The informal setting seems to encourage people to take their time and have a really good look!!
Daisy is going to make some cakes for the occasion which I must say is always a treat, I know as her mother I am biased but she has done some lovely work too.
I have got a mixture of new and older work which includes a studio sale which means there is some bargains to be had. Daisy and I would love to see you so please drop by.....

Stable Cottage
1 1/2 Micheldever Road
SE12 8LX
12th & 13th
19th & 20th November
12-7 Saturday
12-6 Sunday

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Affordable Art Fair Hampstead Heath

Hampstead 27 – 30 Oct 2011
The very successful Affordable Art Fair are launching a new North London Fair this week which is very exciting to be part of.

Sunday, 11 September 2011


I have said before that I am continually amazed by this thing called 'the creative process'. Some years ago now I became bedazzled by the image of these skeletal seadheads growing up the sides of a beautiful blue beach hut and had so much energy to make the paintings that came from that encounter. It was late summer when the shadows start to elongate that I was struck. This year lo and behold late summer walking down the back of the beach huts I was struck again but this time Hollyhocks had seaded themselves and had had their summer glory and now although still holding onto a few flowers they were producing their seads.What hope this image conjures up for me, and this is the word I will go forward with into the autumn.

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Long Time No Blog

August I feel is not a time for blogging or infact if you can avoid it working at all!!! When you work as a full time artist you need to have time to stop and do something different.
Time to read, fish, bob about in a boat,cycle,walk,think and just look. It gives the internal reservoir a chance to refill itself.
Coming back to to the studio is really exciting....I love it in there ideas all ready to make some new work.....and I didnt have far to garden.

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Rain Rain Go Away.............

I have taken part in  Urban Art Brixton for the past seven years and although have had to face many weathers this past weekend was really something.
Many light weights could not hack it and dissapeared, there were many complaints about the rain and admittedly some pitches seem to be worse hit than others and if work was under glass and framed it was a bit of a disaster.
There is something about this street in Brixton that really gladens the heart whatever the weather, I have met the loveliest people on this street,made friends and when leaving on Sunday was happy as larry.
I sold  a bit and would like to thank everyone that bought something in these ridiculous conditions. Love to all especially Tim Sutton who organises the whole affair.

Friday, 15 July 2011

Urban Art Brixton


Monday, 4 July 2011

linoleum, my new pal.

Many moons ago I made some lino cuts and for whatever reason the memory of this drifted into the past and I did not think about making them again untill a few weeks ago.
As many other people that spend alot of time alone with their own mind I have become overcome with desire to use this medium.
I am thinking about the images day and night and have discovered some lino cutters of the past that have the most beautiful line 'Sybil Andrews' being one of them.
I have discovered sources of influence of many printmakers that I admire today so have had some real revelations.
I have had some cushions made of my latest lino which I will be showing at the Sydenham Arts Trail this weekend.
Looking forward to seeing what the world thinks of it all as I would never know if I didnt come out of the shed!
I will be at 35 Bishopsthorpe Rd SE264PA

Sunday, 19 June 2011

'Royal Academy Reject'

Collected this week my little 'Royal Academy' reject.
Welcome Home, I am going to show the little mite at Sydenham Art Festival in a coule of weeks....all the details on my website

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

New Avenues

I have been printmaking as I mentioned in the last blog and now I have started doing the printing.This is the hard bit because you have to solve problems that the process throws at you.
Yesterday I was working away all day and only managed to produce one decent print....I had press problems, the pressure for the lino just kept escaping me.

Having a good days printing in my opinion depends on many factors and one of them is sharpness of mind, something I certainly did not have as I have a summer cold. I did learn alot though as I am trying lots of new things so I did not feel too bad about it.
Dropped some work with Pippa (ARTDOG) this morning...she is showing my chair I am looking forward to the feedback

Thursday, 2 June 2011

Whoop Whooop I am printmaking at last!!!!!

I am back in my summer residence and have spent the week drawing and making collograph plates and lino has been heaven.
I have little idea of how they are going to look so am enjoying this freedom I have created for myself.
It can be a serious buisness making art and this is just no good for it.
The person viewing the image and hopefully falling helplessly in love with it wants something else...not serious.
I'm just sure of it!!!
When the images have been revealed to me from under the rollers of the printing press I will share my glee.

Monday, 23 May 2011

The chair I dreamt of .........

I have recently been dreaming about making this chair, it took some time to actually find the right one and once I did to decide how to treat it. The ideas for the chairs now are abundant and although I dont know what the hell I am going to do with them and if anyone will like them I think I will try and show them with paintings when I get the chance.
This creative process never ceases to amaze me!!!!!

Monday, 16 May 2011

The Kitchen

The Kitchen has had particular prominence in my world the last week or so as I have had a new one installed. Not many people I know would have an older kitchen installed than the one they pulled out!!!
'Rose' as I refer to her as has arrived and she is a beautiful thing. I bought her over 18months ago.
Now installed I am thrilled with the result.
I am also on the process of making a mosaic for a friends kitchen, I started it last week and will finish it this week. I have not made any mosaics for a long time but am really enjoying this.
Here are some pics of the begining of the mosaic and 'Rose' my new kichen.
One half of 'Rose'

Jo,s mosaic, I think a bird is going to land right in the middle.

Thursday, 28 April 2011

The Joy of Spring

I have been really enjoying this beautiful weather we have been having and am full of the joy of spring.I have made some new paintings ready for Affordable Art Fair Bristol showing with Stark Gallery.
Knife and fork 20x20

Butterfly & Key 20x20

Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Royal Academy Summer Exhibition

Today I have finished the painting that I am going to submit for the Royal Academy Summer Exhibition and I have to deliver it tomorrow!!!
Why have I left it to the last minute....I have an idea why.
I have been painting now for a long time but have only submitted work for the last four years.
I have been accepted each time although one year the painting was not can be accepted but not hung.
The expectation this time is high so I have had a really casual approach to the whole thing, this expectation I talk of is only within myself.
I have made a weeny painting which I will not show to the world until I have the verdict. Watch this space............

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Saying Goodbye

Remembering Him 80x120cm
It is always a time to stop, pause and think about the next body of work after a big show.
I also have to say goodbye to the paintings that have sold, some are harder to part with than others.
The pieces that have held you and had a more difficult dilogue with are the ones, these are the works that have pushed me.
Just as the relationships in life some are easier than others and sometimes there are hidden rewards for the ones that have been hard work!
Goodbye to all the paintings I sold at the weekend but especially to 'Remembering Him'
Thankyou Andrew and Leila at Stark Gallery x

Monday, 7 March 2011

Affordable Art Fair Battersea Park

It's that time of year again!! The new series of paintings
can be seen at Stark Gallery Stand K8

Thursday 10th March 11am-5.30pm
Friday   11th March 11am-6pm
Saturday 12th March 11am-6pm
Sunday   13th March 11am-6pm

                     'Red Cotton II' 80x100

Thursday, 3 March 2011

A brand new Artist Statement

Artist Statement

My paintings are infinitely domestic. The images I use have become symbols of the celebration I feel for the women in my life past and present. The objects I use are deeply cherished and loved.
The kitchen is the heart of the house, the kitchen table, the pots, cups and bowls are vessels for this narrative.
In the summer months I spend time on the Kent coast and have done since childhood. The nostalgia I experience here is another narrative for my work.
Although using these same symbols, in my most recent paintings the perspective has shifted slightly. The previously distant shapes of the sails on the horizon have come closer. These paintings are about love, loss and the contemplation of time passing.

The surface of the canvas is built up in layers of gesso and paint – with each one showing hints of the last. This part of the process (I think) comes from my origins in printmaking. The quality of the final surface of the painting is evidence of this. The richness and depth of the surface is like the memory itself.

Monday, 21 February 2011

About my new paintings

'Wish You Were Here' is the title for my latest series of paintings, although the symbols I have used are familiar the angle and perspective has shifted slightly.
The previously distant shapes of sails as in 'Regatta' have come closer.
These paintings are about love, loss and contemplation using painting as my  narrative.
The surface is built up in layers as is the memory, this process I think comes from my origins in printmaking and the quality of the final surface is evidence of this.

I am still painting away for this next important show, I always get really excited about this one.

Affordable Art Fair
Battersea Park
Stark Gallery Stand
March 10th-13th
                           Regatta 100x80

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

See a new painting ...'Wish you were here'

I will be showing this new painting and some other things this weekend at this event.
Preview Evening February 11th 7-9pm

Monday, 7 February 2011


My very good and patient friend Tina has made it possible for you to purchase my cushions on my website.
I have two designs and I really like them.....take a look for yourself.

Thursday, 3 February 2011

The Sail

I came across a wonderful book of poetry recently called 'The Sail' it is a self published book.The poetry is written by Greg Allum and the enchanting illustrations are by Taxi Taxi.
I have had a real theme going on lately and sailing boats with full Sails are following me even into my dreams.
My latest paintings are an expression of this.
You can purchase a copy of this limited edition book at 

Saturday, 29 January 2011

This Morning

It's a strange place to be when someone you love has died but the funeral has not yet happened.I have been doing alot of thinking,dreaming,painting and looking...looking intently at things I   may have missed.
When I was looking  this morning I noticed I had placed a painting in a spot in the living room that it seemed to relate to all the objects around it.
Have a look..The lower painting is mine,the one above it is painted by Jean Barham.
She had a studio in Greenwich right on the river Thames by the house I lived with my parents, we moved in when I was nine.
I was facinated by Jean she died a few years ago now but was painting and making right until the end of her life.
The vase I have had  for a while but had never looked at the coloured trangles like I did this morning.

Wednesday, 26 January 2011

The Ship

The Ship

What is dying?
I am standing on the seashore.
A ship at my side spreads her white sails to the morning breeze and starts
for the blue ocean.
She is an object of beauty and strength, and I stand and watch until at last
she hangs like a speck of white cloud just where the sea and sky come
down to mingle with each other.
Then someone at my side says, “There!  She is gone!”
Gone?  Gone where?
Gone from my sight – that is all.
She is just as large in mast and hull and spar as she was when she left my
side and just as able to bear her load of living freight to the place of her
Her diminished size is in me, not in her.
And just at the moment when someone at my side says,
“There!  She is gone!”
There are other eyes watching her coming and other voices ready to take
up the glad shout, “There!  She comes!”
And that is dying.

This week is a very sad one.

Thursday, 20 January 2011

I had an idea some time ago that I thought could be really interesting, I wanted to ask people who had one of my paintings to photograph it in it's new enviroment.
This week I was emailed this picture (whithout even asking) and I was delighted to recieve it.